- dtSearch products support integrated relevancy ranking with highlighted hits across both online and
offline data repositories.
- Federated searching span any number of
directories, emails (with nested attachments), and databases.
- The Spider adds local and remote,
static and dynamic online content to a search. The Spider can index
sites to any level of depth, with support for public and private or
secure online content, including log-ins and forms-based authentication.
- dtSearch products offer efficient multithreaded searching, with no limit
on the number of concurrent search threads.
Basic Search Types
- Natural language searching lets
you enter a “plain English” (or any other international
language) unstructured search request.
- Phrase searching finds phrases like: due process of law.
- Boolean operators like and/or/not can join words and phrases:
due process of law and not (equal protection or civil rights).
- Proximity searching finds a word or phrase within “n”
words of another word or phrase: apple pie w/38 peach cobbler.
- Directed proximity searching finds a word or phrase
“n” words before another word or phrase: apple pie
pre/38 peach cobbler.
- Positional search finds words of phrases "n"
words towards the beginning or end of a file: apple w/5 xfirstword
or apple w/5 xlastword.
- Metadata-specific searching (multiple
- Phonic searching finds words that sound alike, like
Smythe in a search for Smith.
- Stemming finds variations on endings, like applies,
applied, applying in a search for apply.
- Numeric range searching finds any number between two numbers,
such as between 6 and 36.
- Macro capabilities make it easy to include frequently used items
in a search request.
- Wildcard support allows ? to hold a single letter place, and * to
hold multiple letter places: apple* and not appl?sauce.
- Regular expressions support provides a way to search for
combinations of characters.
- Digit character matching enables searching for patterns of
- Unicode support allows for searching hundreds of international languages,
including support for “right to left” languages and special
options for Asian character handling.
- Emoji search

- Multiple relevancy-ranking options.
- Multicolor hit-highlighting
search options (up to 10 highlight
See Forensics and Other
Advanced Search for:
Fuzzy Searching
- Fuzzy searching uses a proprietary algorithm to find search terms even
if they are misspelled.
- Search fuzziness adjusts from 0 to 10 so you can fine-tune fuzziness to
the level of OCR or typographical errors in your files.
- A search for alphabet with a fuzziness of 1 would find
alphaqet; with a fuzziness of 4, it would find both
alphaqet and alpkaqet.
- Fuzziness is not built into the index, so you can vary fuzziness at the
time of each search.
Concept / Synonym / Thesaurus
- Concept searching lets you look for fast and find quick,
speedy, etc.
- dtSearch offers variable levels of automatic synonym expansion based on
a comprehensive semantic network of the English language.
- You can also add your own thesaurus terms.
- For example, Frank and Jones would not be synonyms
covered by the built-in semantic network. But if you are working
on the Frank Jones case, you may want to make them synonyms for
purposes of your case. The same principle applies to technical
jargon like airbags and SRS.
Metadata Searching
- dtSearch products can index and search metadata in all supported file types and databases: MS Access,
Word, PowerPoint, OneNote, other “Office” files, compression
portfolio, ASP.NET, CMS, PHP, SharePoint, etc.
- dtSearch products can also index and search metadata in emails such as
Outlook/Exchange (PST/OST/MSG) and Thunderbird (MBOX/EML), including
metadata in both emails and in attachments (even recursively embedded
attachments). More email
- Detection and support of metadata in all supported data types is automatic.
- In addition to locating general search terms in metadata, dtSearch
products can also limit searching to specific
metadata: (Author contains John Smith) and (Subject contains
turbine generators).
- For XML data, dtSearch supports hierarchical metadata structures,
including both metadata and attributes, enabling highly refined nested metadata queries.
- Variable term weighting can also apply to metadata: (description:5
contains (apple and pear)) or (author:2 contains smith).
- See also Faceted Search and Data
Combining Search Types
- Nearly all search types are combinable.
- You can make your search request as complex as you want — see
Search Tips.
Special Forensics Search Options