Instantly Search Terabytes
- All dtSearch developer licenses include a single year of upgrades and technical support to a single point of contact.
- This renewal extends upgrades and technical support for an additional year.
- For questions on your licensing status, please contact dtSearch.
- Please also contact dtSearch for renewals if you have a signed license agreement.
- All renewals include a full 30-day money back guarantee.
- International currency selector available.
- Software delivery is electronic.
- All products except dtSearch Publish include 64-bit versions.
dtSearch Web • dtSearch Engine for Windows — “per server” license renewals
Server definition: license covers usage in one single organization, with technical support to a single point of contact. Each physical machine, including all load balancing, backup, testing and development machines, counts as a “server” for licensing. In an instance-based cloud environment, each instance counts as a “server.” See dtSearch License Agreement for additional license details.
Renew Renew 1 or 2 existing dtSearch Web
single-server license(s) @ $525 each
Technical support covers dtSearch Web only. Technical support does not cover C++,
Java, .NET or other APIs.
3-server and larger dtSearch Engine licenses include developer API support, including C++, Java and current .NET.
Expand and Renew existing dtSearch Web license (1 server) to dtSearch Engine for Windows (3 servers) @ $2,005
Expand and Renew existing pair of single server licenses to a 3 server license @ $1,495 For customers with licenses covering 3 or more servers:
Renew existing 3 server license @ $1,175
Renew existing 4 or more server license @ $390 per server
Along with renewing, to add more servers to an existing 3 or more server license:
Expand existing 3 or more server licenses to add additional servers @ $1,095 each. NOTE: This selection requires a current (for support and upgrades) dtSearch Engine for Windows license for 3 or more servers. Please renew the underlying license for support and upgrades if support and upgrades have not been renewed in the past year.
dtSearch Engine for Linux — “per server” license renewals
Server definition: license covers usage in one single organization, with technical support to a single point of contact. Each physical machine, including all load balancing, backup, testing and development machines, counts as a “server” for licensing. In an instance-based cloud environment, each instance counts as a “server.” See dtSearch License Agreement for additional license details.
Renew existing 3 server license @ $1,175
Renew existing 4 or more server licenses @ $390 per server
Along with renewing, to add more servers to an existing 3 or more server license:
Expand existing 3 or more server licenses to add additional servers @ $1,095 each NOTE: This selection requires a current (for support and upgrades) dtSearch Engine for Linux license for 3 or more servers. Please renew the underlying license for support and upgrades if support and upgrades have not been renewed in the past year.
dtSearch Engine for macOS — “per server” license renewals
Server definition: license covers usage in one single organization, with technical support to a single point of contact. Each physical machine, including all load balancing, backup, testing and development machines, counts as a “server” for licensing. In an instance-based cloud environment, each instance counts as a “server.” See dtSearch License Agreement for additional license details.
Renew existing 3 server license @ $1,175
Renew existing 4 or more server licenses @ $390 per server
Along with renewing, to add more servers to an existing 3 or more server license:
Expand existing 3 or more server licenses to add additional servers @ $1,095 each. NOTE: This selection requires a current (for support and upgrades) dtSearch Engine for macOS license for 3 or more servers. Please renew the underlying license for support and upgrades if support and upgrades have not been renewed in the past year.
Contact dtSearch to expand a license to bulk per server or royalty-free, or to add on an additional platform to an existing dtSearch Engine license.
dtSearch Publish 250 — license renewal
“Publish 250”: covers use of dtSearch Publish to create up to 250 “search-only” (without end-user indexing) portable media of identical content, distributable to up to 250 total users. All portable media copies must contain the same identical content under this option. The “search-only” portable media may run in an individual-usage capacity only, and not from a shared-access server such as IIS. This license includes a single user license of dtSearch Desktop for index building; additional dtSearch Desktop/Network are subject to separate licensing. See dtSearch License Agreement for additional license details.
Renew existing Publish 250 license @ $875 each
Renew existing dtSearch Publish 250 + dtSearch Web single server “combo” license @ $1,295 each
dtSearch Publish “Annual Service Bureau” — license renewal (or upgrade option for dtSearch Publish 250 customers)
“Annual Service Bureau”: is an annual license covering one year of “search only” (without end-user indexing) portable media publishing from one location, with portable media content as set forth below. (A) The content must fall into one of the following categories: (i) confidential e-discovery or forensically retrieved data; (ii) confidential business transaction documents; (iii) data that Licensee has OCR’ed as a “service bureau” for Licensee’s clients; (iv) subject to written approval by, other similarly narrow topics (oil rig specifications, cardiovascular information, airline regulations, etc.). (B) Portable media mastering must occur at a single physical location. (C) The “search-only” portable media may run in an individual-usage capacity only, and not from a shared-access server. (D) An annual license renewal is required to cover usage beyond the initial year period. (E) This license includes a single user license of dtSearch Desktop for index building; additional dtSearch Desktop/Network are subject to separate licensing. See dtSearch License Agreement for additional license details. (Contact dtSearch for other licensing options.)
Renew "Annual Service Bureau" license(s) covering one year @ $3,500 each