dtSearch Press Release — directEDGAR
directEDGAR Uses dtSearch to Expand Granular Search Filtering and Data Extraction Across Terabytes of SEC EDGAR Data directEDGAR Employed Experienced dtSearch Engine Developer AppsPlus to Add These Features ![]() directEDGAR, maker of SEC EDGAR analysis software, and dtSearch, enterprise and developer text retrieval specialists, announce new directEDGAR granular search filtering and data extraction options. The new features will enhance end-user convenience in working with the massive securities dataset. directEDGAR turned to AppsPlus, an experienced dtSearch Engine developer specializing in data-intensive projects, to implement these new features. EDGAR is the Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval system for the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). “EDGAR is the primary system for submissions by companies and others required by law to file information with the SEC,” notes the SEC. “EDGAR benefits investors, corporations, and the U.S. economy overall by increasing the efficiency, transparency, and fairness of the securities markets.” Because of the size of the EDGAR database, directEDGAR end-users wanted the ability not only to search across the full-text data, but also to filter the data in dozens of different ways in accordance with specific financial industry, corporate governance, academic and other research requirements. Additionally, directEDGAR users wanted the ability to extract specific items such as executive compensation tables from the larger dataset. AppsPlus used the dtSearch Engine to implement these requirements for directEDGAR. ![]() dtSearch’s core developer component, the dtSearch Engine can instantly search, with over 25 different search options, terabytes of mixed documents, emails plus nested attachments, databases and online data. The dtSearch Engine has its own proprietary document filters for data parsing, extraction, conversion and display (including with highlighted hits). The dtSearch Engine SDK offers these capabilities through C++, Java and .NET / .NET Core APIs to Windows, Mac and Linux developers, as well as for use on online platforms such as Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services (AWS). AppsPlus has a long track record of dtSearch Engine custom development projects for clients ranging from multibillion dollar IT and telecom companies to the US Government. “dtSearch continues to get it just right in adding new features and improving performance,” says F. Scott Barker, AppsPlus’ lead developer. “We were able to streamline the new development for directEDGAR by virtue of dtSearch’s intuitive objects, methods and properties.” “Second, as we progress towards a world informed by AI, a critical step to developing AI models relies on the input of raw data,” continues Kealey. “No other parser does as good of a job as dtSearch for text extraction. We are quite excited to offer this extraction capability to our client base – they can run a search and directly use the output for their AI modeling without any intermediate steps.” # # #
About directEDGAR, directEDGAR.com About dtSearch, dtSearch.com About AppsPlus, AppsPlus.com |
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